UniQr Scanner Privacy Policy

**UniQr Scanner Privacy Policy**

Last Updated: October 20, 2023

UniQr Scanner is a QR code scanner application developed by us. This privacy policy explains what data our application collects, how that data is used, and how it is protected. By using our application, you agree to the following policy.

**1. Collected Data**

– **Camera Access:** We require access to your camera to scan QR codes, which is the primary function of our application. This access is used only when scanning QR codes and does not save any data on your device.

**2. Utilized Data**

– **QR Code Data:** The QR codes you scan are used for the core functionality of our application. This data is processed in real-time and displayed within our app’s user interface.

**3. Data Sharing**

UniQr Scanner does not share or sell user data with third parties. Data is used solely within the application and is not stored.

**4. Security**

The security of your data is of utmost importance to us. After scanning a QR code, our application temporarily stores this data and does not use it for any other purposes.

**5. Children’s Privacy**

UniQr Scanner does not intentionally collect or use the personal information of individuals under the age of 13. Children using the application should be under adult supervision.

**6. Changes**

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. We may use in-app notifications to inform you about any updates. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly review our policy.

**7. Contact**

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or data security, please contact us at serdar@firstedumate.com.

This privacy policy provides general information about data processing and protection when using the UniQr Scanner application. By using the application, you agree to this policy.

Thank you for choosing UniQr Scanner!